
Description of MusicsEnergy 2021

Education and health integration for the iGeneration.

Our nation is in peril. Social justice and “woke”ness threaten the foundation upon which the United States was founded and currently exists. Critical thinking and moral reasoning must never be abandoned. Instead, these must be taught, modeled, and rewarded, seamlessly woven into teaching and learning. “Right” and “wrong” are fleeing concepts, as are common decency and civility. Young people who have a solid foundation and who know how to accurately “read” media and recognize social cues, will be at a much greater advantage compared to those who cannot and will not.
Adolescence is a pivotal stage of development, and in particular brain development. Brain development and behavior are stitched together. Personal values, coping strategies, and communication norms are acquired and practiced during adolescence. Critical thinking, combined with a commitment to
keep learning are basic requirements in the post-Covid era. The key question here is does health, hope, and healing still matter. Or, are we vacating these aspirations in exchange for a reality that lacks any light at all.
— Julian D. Owens, PhD, MPH
Music and media are integral to the formation of young people’s values about life, and the INIME’s potential to influence the attitudes, beliefs, and choices that manifest as a life of dis-ease or with ease.
— Julian D. Owens, PhD, MPH

MusicsEnergy: Life Literacy Curriculum (ME: LLC)

  1. Facilitates a heightened appreciation for music and a deeper examination of media.

  2. Prompts critical thinking and self-reflection about themes and messages presented across all media and represented via programming by the INIME [i.e., Information and News Industry, and Media Entertainment].

  3. Is a leaner-centered, culturally-relevant, culturally-responsive approach to teaching, learning, enrichment, and therapeutic edutainment.

  4. Evidence-based approach to engaging young people in pro-social discussions about music and media’s role in their lives.

  5. Informed by working with young people in school and community settings.

  6. Provides a lens through we examine the connections between:

    • The arts and sciences

    • Culture and societies

    • The mind and brain

    • The body and behavior

7. Consists of three courses:

  • MusicsEnergy: Messages in Music™

  • MusicsEnergy: Reducing Dis-ease in America™

  • MusicsEnergy: Songwriting with Young People™ 

9. Comprised of products:

  • A tool to access custom lesson plans and discussion prompts; and

  • Platforms and forums to engage audiences.

10. Consulting Services:

  • Training/Professional Development

  • Technical assistance

  • Monitoring and supervision

11. Addresses state-adopted and national standards in five academic area: [Contact for more information]:

12. Promotes a growth mindset, specifically:

  • Self-awareness/personal reflection

  • Emotional regulation/stress reduction

  • Assessment [assessing the situation i.e., of dilemmas, invitations, opportunities, problems]

  • Communication

  • Resolving conflicts

  • Decision making

  • Problem solving

13.  Assesses progress in seven (n=7) key areas.

  • Collaboration

  • Communication [i.e., verbal and written]

  • Creative Expression

  • Critical Analysis [i.e., critical viewing and critical listening]

  • Information-Seeking/Research

  • Notetaking

  • Reading Comprehension/Vocabulary

14.  Engages young people in:

  • Critical thinking

  • Self-reflection

  • Creative, self-expression

15.  Assess Five Competencies:

  • Cognitive

  • Behavioral

  • Emotional

  • Moral 

  • Social 

16. Outcomes [Contact for more information]:

17. Address four areas of human development:

  • Identity

  • Values

  • Coping

  • Communication

18.  Fosters and Rewards:

  • Critical thinking

  • Curiosity

  • Optimism

  • Grit

  • Resilience

  • A love for learning 

  • Self-expression through self reflection