
Level 3 Emotional competence learning objectives

Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities

Emotional Competence Indicators/Outcomes by Grade


Participants will be able to:

  1. Communicate/demonstrate an openness and receptivity to new ideas, new information, new perspectives.

  2. Communicate/demonstrate the benefits of self-reflection and why it is important.

  3. Communicate/demonstrate the benefits of a growth mind set.

  4. Describe/discuss what resilient people and those with a growth mindset have in common.


Participants will be able to:

  • Identify emotional triggers.

  • Communicate/demonstrate why it is necessary to pause and put time and space between stimuli and responses, especially when triggered.

  • Communicate/demonstrate why it is necessary to pause and put time and space between stimuli and responses when presented with a moral dilemma.

  • Communicate/demonstrate why it is necessary to pause and put time and space between stimuli and responses, especially when potentially invoking risky-behavior, or criminal activity.

LEVEL 3 [Grade 10]

Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe benefits of developing and maintaining new friendships, especially peers who share similar prosocial values and habits. 

  2. Show interest in developing and maintaining new friendships, especially peers who embrace similar prosocial values and habits. 

  3. Show interest in participating in and pursuing new interests and activities (especially those perviously enjoyed).