
Our “cilents”,

Agencies, Schools/School Districts, Organizations, and Institutions

Overview of LIFE 20/20

  • Mission-driven consulting firm founded in 1999.

  • Headquartered in Northern Virginia.

  • Work with clients to measurably improve education and health-related outcomes in school and community settings.

  • Focus on the influence of the arts and culture, science and technology on human development and lifestyle. 


  • Government Agencies

  • Institutions

  • School Districts

  • Public and Private Schools

  • Community-based Organizations

  • Faith-based Organization

  • Parent and Teacher Organizations

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Sample list of client/Partner goals

  • Address mental health concerns

  • Address social & emotional wellbeing

  • Improve grades [i.e., reading comprehension, critical analysis, test-taking, etc.]

  • Reduce behavioral referrals [i.e, discipline, anti-social/criminal, violence, etc.]

  • Improve school connectedness via engagement strategies, executive functioning, relationships, and self-regulation skills.

Ways a District of School Can Engage Our Services

Curriculum & Instruction

  • General Instruction [Integrated Course Design]

  • Specialized Instruction

  • Gifted and Talented

  • STEM

  • Health Education

  • Arts Integration [i.e, music, media, visual & performing arts]                                                                           

Student Support Services                                    

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

  • Interventions [Disciplinary, Prevention] 

  • Alternative Programs                                                            


Research shows that use of music and media to promote critical thinking and healthy development enables those trained to engage young people in ways they find helpful and it ways that measurably improves outcomes and skills in key areas. Click here for peer-reviewed research on this work.  

Talent Development

  • Professional and Staff Development

  • Model Teaching

  • Teacher and Staff Coaching

  • Supervision

  • Monitoring



  • Integral connections between the mind and brain, body and behavior.

  • National and state-adopted standards of learning in STEM, ELA, Health Education, Technical Education, Social Studies/History, and the Visual and Performing Arts/Media Arts.

  • Common decency and civility standards.

  • Critical theories about race, class, gender, sexual orientation, the intersection of these in society, and the role of music, media and mass communication on human development.

  • Critical theories about social learning and media cultivation.

  • Adolescent health, psychology, human development, and neuroscience.

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  • Technical solutions and services to optimize student/youth engagement in ways that are culturally relevant and culturally responsive in times like these.

  • Science-based approaches to SEL by focusing on developing competence, confidence, and measurably improving social and emotional wellbeing.

  • Therapeutic support in group settings by modeling and promoting pro-social learning.

  • Conducting training and providing ongoing technical support for interventions and programs to be implemented by school personnel and program staff.

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Education without purpose is meaningless, pointless, and unfulfilling. Purpose gives intelligence a reason for being. The education of people must be based on the problems that they have to solve.
— Amos Wilson